- A new nuclear age - From Aspenia 1-20253
- A changing Germany in a shocked Europe4
- The political power of demographics2
- Ukraine: war, deterrence and diplomacy5
- US-China: the highest stakes4
- Israel and its neighbours6
- The war for Ukraine, three years on7
- Conflict flashpoints in transformation5
- The start of Trump 24
- The face of America - From Aspenia 4-20243
- The foreign policy of America First7
- Middle East imbalances of power6
- The green and hard transition5
- How people move4
- The new BRICS and the changing old world5
- Trump's America 2.06
- Hard choices for Europe6
- New Geoeconomics #7 - Resources, Land, and Power4
- The moment of American voters8
- The Mid East's new and old wars8
- A more insecure Europe6
- New Geoeconomics #6 - The nuclear factor in the energy equation5
- A wider war in the Middle East12
- Key topics in the US elections6
- The restless Middle East and its cleavages5
- The new US presidential campaign5
- A super-complex Indo-Pacific landscape6
- Spillovers from the Russia-Ukraine war6
- The Olympics, a mirror of the world - From Aspenia 2-20245
- Toward a new European defense setup - From Aspenia 2-20245
- New Geoeconomics #5 - A rebalancing of globalization6
- The UK at a turning point - again4
- US foreign policy hotspots1
- The European election shockwaves6
- Europe facing a troubed world6
- The infrastructure of a changing global economy6
- European elections, one month to go5
- Power shifts in the Middle East7
- Biden vs Trump: six months to go5
- New Geoeconomics #4 - New European Ways4
- The European war at the doorstep of NATO and the EU4
- The Digital Political Economy - From Aspenia 1-20249
- Global Britain or British malaise?4
- The Gaza war: local and regional fallouts5
- US voters and Super Tuesday4
- Russia & Ukraine, two years of war8
- Global order vs. global South?5
- New Geoeconomics #39
- America's primary moment3
- Turmoil in the Red Sea and across the Mid East6
- Uncharted waters in East Asia4
- Europe 20247
- Israel-Palestine: war and diplomacy5
- Aspenia International 2-2023: Battles for Europe4
- The Argentinian exception3
- The US and China: managing competition5
- New Geoeconomics #27
- Assessing Gaza's fallout10
- Aspenia 3-2023: Battles for Europe1
- New Geoeconomics #16
- The domestic outlook of key Latin American players5
- The next phase of the old Middle East6
- At the European frontiers8
- Trying to be smart about Artificial Intelligence4
- Ukraine matters5
- Trump's way in the 2024 Republican Primary3
- Global rebalancing?3
- The quest for European energy autonomy4
- Israel's crossroads5
- The future of the West in a fragmented world7
- Population & Power - From Aspenia 2/20238
- The new forms of war6
- Ukraine's tragedy and its multiple spinoffs7
- The policy challenge of people on the move4
- Serbia and Kosovo: still open questions3
- Politics across the Mediterranean5
- America’s politics and policies toward the 2024 vote6
- Italians: a centuries-old legacy and its future5
- Turkey’s politics and foreign policy: a potentially new phase4
- The politics of climate policies and resource constraints6
- Money, debtors and creditors5
- From Aspenia 100: Italy’s potential and a few lessons from history6
- The West and the Sino-Russian challenge5
- Aspenia 100: Italy's challenges and its potential1
- The gray zone between Russia and the EU5
- China's global diplomacy: new clothes?5
- Ripple effects of the Ukrainian war5
- The power of demographics4
- Remembering February 24, 2022: a day of infamy5
- European ports & Mediterranean hubs4
- Biden’s speech and America’s health state, 20235
- The technology factor4
- Europe and beyond5
- Globalization's evolution1
- Trends to watch in Italy's strategic space5
- The technopolar chessboard - From Aspenia 994
- Brazil and democracy's hard work4
- Tackling European (in)security4
- China's extra-long Covid syndrome4
- Making European decisions6
- The big inflation question2
- Serbia and Kosovo, past and future2
- The Fertile Crescent, end of 20226
- India: where the other Asian giant is heading5
- America’s prospects after the November vote5
- The Ukraine question: deterrence and political aims7
- The world and the un-Popular Republic of China5
- Midterm: Biden's America two years on7
- The Eurasian Intersection6
- Energy choices in the making6
- The China trap4
- The global economy in a sea of political risk4
- The new phase of the Ukraine war9
- Winds of change in Latin America7
- Europe turning right4
- The energy bottleneck4
- The invasion of Ukraine, six months on5
- The Taiwan nexus3
- America's contested politics5
- Market strategies to manage the energy price challenge - in cooperation with CESI2
- Assessing Türkiye’s prospects7
- The meaning of a protracted war in Ukraine4
- NATO and a new security landscape4
- Russia's choices and their price - From Aspenia 974
- How the times are changing in the Indo-Pacific5
- Europe's multicolored politics8
- Russia and the West: moment of truth5
- America's complicated 20226
- The big energy realignment4
- The Russian-Ukrainian front6
- Challenged globalization and its future3
- Assessing the cyber and space domains3
- Europe after February 24, 20226
- African trends in a changing international context5
- Tense elections in Europe4
- Of Energy & Sanctions5
- Mid East: Historical legacies & Future options5
- Scenarios for a new global system7
- The pandemic that cannot be forgotten5
- The aggression against Ukraine20
- Biden and America’s home front6
- A new global economic outlook5
- Europe’s Russo-Ukrainian moment14
- Assessing Europe 20225
- Of energies and taxonomies5
- The Kazakhstan question and the wider geopolitics8
- A complex climate6
- America, at war with itself? - From Aspenia 953
- The Taiwan question in the East Asia chessboard5
- The green transition and energy security after COP26 - in cooperation with CESI3
- The US, democracies and the rest4
- The Russian question - again4
- US politics and Biden’s domestic challenges5
- Flashpoints and security dynamics across Africa7
- Hi-tech’s mutliple fronts: politics, economics and ethics3
- Europe’s wider neighbourhood6
- A global reckoning: climate and the economy9
- In search of the Biden doctrine4
- XXI Century Cities: Trends and Visions5
- The economics of a new post-war era?4
- In defense of Europe2
- Digital currencies and their contested future4
- A different Germany?4
- The Indo-Pacific challenge for the US and Europe4
- Germany‘s vote and Merkel’s legacy3
- September 114
- Smart grids for the energy transition - in cooperation with CESI3
- The long transition of the world economy5
- Tough questions from Afghanistan16
- Biden's America4
- Olympic Politics4
- Understanding the political economy of the EU’s Green Deal6
- Geopolitics and Migration: Panamerican Summer4
- Beyond the Sahara, Europe’s high stakes3
- Political leaders: make or break moments5
- Recovery and Transition - the Economy and the Climate6
- The Russia Paradox - From Aspenia 932
- Allied power: Biden’s US and us9
- The US energy transition and its wider context - in cooperation with CESI4
- New dynamics in the wider Mediterranean4
- The German Nexus4
- The Israeli-Pelestinian flashpoint, back again4
- How waterways reshape connections6
- New pathways of globalization - From Aspenia 924
- Changing world dynamics5
- The global politics of climate goals2
- The hi-tech cold peace - From Aspenia 925
- America looking beyond the pandemic6
- The Mid East’s changing politics4
- China’s 2020s - from Aspenia 924
- Vaccines and the battle to defeat Covid-199
- The urban challenge: How cities adapt across the world5
- Sino-American Asia5
- Hopes and fears in the EU6
- What Africa means for the West5
- Transforming economies: global challenges & national choices4
- The Myanmar coup: roots and ripples3
- Russia’s power structure under pressure?3
- Europe: time for hard choices3
- Biden and the world, early steps5
- Arab Springs and Winters, ten years on5
- America’s days of reckoning6
- From Aspenia 91 - Transatlantic perspectives4
- Europe and the world, looking forward5
- The Brexit drama toward its last act3
- Reopening the Iran dossier?2
- NATO 2030: the Alliance toward a new era3
- The multiple fronts for the next US administration5
- Europe taking stock of Biden's victory5
- The shape of the 2020s world6
- Green Life Matters4
- Libya and the East Med context5
- America votes: snaphots of a changing society5
- US politics under stress and democracy’s dilemmas5
- New conflict scenarios in the Caucasus3
- The economic future is here5
- America and the world: multiple challenges for the next President5
- The EastMed geoeconomic flashpoint3
- America's choice67
- The strange Middle East accord that marks no peace3
- The Trump Referendum5
- A new start for the EU?8
- Economic opportunities during a pandemic4
- US elections 2020: a preview3
- Africa’s challenges: assessing energy policy responses4
- American Summer8
- Re-funding Europe4
- China and the Rest, 20204
- Our video commentaries33
- What changes (and what doesn't) between Europe and Russia5
- The Latin American pandemic epicenter4
- Adjusting to the Covid-19 challenge6
- A truly new world economy?6
- America's politics on fire4
- Questions for the West - from Aspenia 893
- Post-pandemic China and the "decoupling" dynamic4
- Scenarios for Europe4
- Prospects for the U.S., after the peak4
- How the pandemic is reshaping politics and policies7
- Covid-19: assessing the early economic fallout4
- The analytical power of intelligence to address a systemic crisis4
- Africa as a big question mark5
- One pandemic, multiple fallouts15
- Putin, now and forever?4
- After Super Tuesday, Super Biden?6
- Democracy: global questions, local answers4
- Climate Wars, Environmental Debate5
- Economics of coronavirus57
- Infrastructures: the backbone of the coming geopolitics6
- Workers of the world, times are changing!4
- The State of the Union as America begins to vote4
- Religious factors and Africa’s many cleavages6
- Participation and social change in the Muslim world5
- Europe's multiple foreign policy fronts4
- The Post-Consumerist Societies3
- The 2020 US primaries & the Democrats’ challenges6
- Democracy vs. the Rest4
- The Iranian question and the Mid East’s shifting politics3
- World Economy: Taking stock for 20205
- Johnson’s Brexit to the test6
- Reassessing NATO's future4
- Digital Geopolitics - Special issue in cooperation with CESI4
- A checkup for Euro-American relations4
- XXI Century Cities - and their politics5
- The great convergence: energy innovation and a new economic model3
- The Central Asia chessboard and beyond4
- 30 years without the Wall: hope and disillusionment3
- 12 months to Trump's referendum7
- Argentina, Chile, Bolivia: new Latin American trends5
- Canada’s exceptionalism and Trudeau’s second chance2
- The Asia-Pacific power play4
- Tunisia's changing political landscape3
- Egypt's discontents3
- The Russia power algorithm4
- China at 70: the third Revolution3
- Tunisia between two election rounds3
- Climate Realpolitik8
- The Saudi-Iranian question, and Israel's elections4
- Europe: Debating a "Geopolitical Commission"3
- Trump's foreign policy hotspots4
- The 21st Century's raw materials6
- The Tunisian experiment continues3
- The G7 that reflected the world’s many uncertainties2
- The Southeast Asian strategic battlefield4
- America 2019: a country in transition6
- The China factor in the Pacific cold war4
- Contested Europe and its dilemmas9
- The Iranian conundrum: assessing an escalation3
- Geopolitics of the Algorithm5
- Upcoming leaders for Europe and the UK2
- Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, and the political alignments around the Red Sea6
- Reflections on Europe4
- India: the other great power3
- The post-vote European agenda10
- Trade, jobs and politics5
- The EU’s German core4
- Trends and actors reshaping Latin America6
- Three African countries to watch3
- Spring 2019 in the Arab world4
- Spain after the election3
- Europe's enduring dilemmas4
- The Ukraine nexus4
- Post-vote Israeli prospects2
- America 2020: the starting grid4
- NATO turns 703
- The end of old Algeria2
- Brexit dilemmas3
- The battle for Europe5
- Xi's Chinese Revolution8
- The great strategic game in Asia4
- The macro-challenge of China’s Belt and Road5
- The new energy mix4
- Political narratives vs. Social realities4
- The demographic factor across societies5
- The Islamic Republic of Iran turns 403
- The state of Europe's frontier3
- Economic dysfunctions and global risks3
- Transatlantic security in question5
- The state of the United States5
- Latin America’s prospects5
- 2019: the year Brexit will happen?10
- How US security policy may be changing3
- The restless Mid East3
- Leadership: style and substance4
- Media, Technology, and Democracy4
- Assessing Brexit’s tortuous path3
- A global economy that no G20 can really manage3
- Maritime geopolitics in the Mediterranean4
- How voters and politicians view America’s future5
- African hotspots and foreign interests4
- Saudi shadows and Turkish ambitions3
- North Africa’s traps and hopes5
- After the Midterms3
- Brazil's stark choice2
- The shifting China factor - from Aspenia 824
- Asian leaders in an evolving geopolitics5
- Europe and non Europe4
- Climate politics3
- Themes for the U.S. Midterms7
- Rules and rights for the digital world4
- The energy transition: charging ahead4
- The Libyan flashpoint2
- The indebted economies3
- Latest From The Editors5
- US (di)visions toward the Midterm elections4
- Shifting peoples, populism and politics4
- The Israel conundrum1
- New and old European divides3
- The comeback of the city-State4
- Africa and its global challenges4
- Troubling trends in "new Europe"2
- Evolving Mid East conflicts4
- The changing face of globalization & technology5
- Crossroads for the Western world?4
- America toward a unique presidential election0
- A background on Congo2