Ukraine: war, deterrence and diplomacy5
US-China: the highest stakes2
Israel and its neighbours6
The war for Ukraine, three years on7
Conflict flashpoints in transformation5
The start of Trump 24
The face of America - From Aspenia 4-20243
The foreign policy of America First7
Middle East imbalances of power6
The green and hard transition5
How people move4
The new BRICS and the changing old world5
Trump's America 2.06
Hard choices for Europe6
New Geoeconomics #7 - Resources, Land, and Power4
The moment of American voters8
The Mid East's new and old wars8
A more insecure Europe6
New Geoeconomics #6 - The nuclear factor in the energy equation5
A wider war in the Middle East12
Key topics in the US elections6
The restless Middle East and its cleavages5
The new US presidential campaign5
A super-complex Indo-Pacific landscape6
Spillovers from the Russia-Ukraine war6
The Olympics, a mirror of the world - From Aspenia 2-20245
Toward a new European defense setup - From Aspenia 2-20245
New Geoeconomics #5 - A rebalancing of globalization6
The UK at a turning point - again4
US foreign policy hotspots1
The European election shockwaves6
Europe facing a troubed world6
The infrastructure of a changing global economy6
European elections, one month to go5
Power shifts in the Middle East7
Biden vs Trump: six months to go5
New Geoeconomics #4 - New European Ways4
The European war at the doorstep of NATO and the EU4
The Digital Political Economy - From Aspenia 1-20249
Global Britain or British malaise?4
The Gaza war: local and regional fallouts5
US voters and Super Tuesday4
Russia & Ukraine, two years of war8
Global order vs. global South?5
New Geoeconomics #39
America's primary moment3
Turmoil in the Red Sea and across the Mid East6
Uncharted waters in East Asia4
Europe 20247
Israel-Palestine: war and diplomacy5
Aspenia International 2-2023: Battles for Europe4
The Argentinian exception3
The US and China: managing competition5
New Geoeconomics #27
Assessing Gaza's fallout10
Aspenia 3-2023: Battles for Europe1
New Geoeconomics #16
The domestic outlook of key Latin American players5
The next phase of the old Middle East6
At the European frontiers8
Trying to be smart about Artificial Intelligence4
Ukraine matters5
Trump's way in the 2024 Republican Primary3
Global rebalancing?3
The quest for European energy autonomy4
Israel's crossroads5
The future of the West in a fragmented world7
Population & Power - From Aspenia 2/20238
The new forms of war6
Ukraine's tragedy and its multiple spinoffs7
The policy challenge of people on the move4
Serbia and Kosovo: still open questions3
Politics across the Mediterranean5
America’s politics and policies toward the 2024 vote6
Italians: a centuries-old legacy and its future5
Turkey’s politics and foreign policy: a potentially new phase4
The politics of climate policies and resource constraints6
Money, debtors and creditors5
From Aspenia 100: Italy’s potential and a few lessons from history6
The West and the Sino-Russian challenge5
Aspenia 100: Italy's challenges and its potential1
The gray zone between Russia and the EU5
China's global diplomacy: new clothes?5
Ripple effects of the Ukrainian war5
The power of demographics4
Remembering February 24, 2022: a day of infamy5
European ports & Mediterranean hubs4
Biden’s speech and America’s health state, 20235
The technology factor4
Europe and beyond5
Globalization's evolution1
Trends to watch in Italy's strategic space5
The technopolar chessboard - From Aspenia 994
Brazil and democracy's hard work4
Tackling European (in)security4
China's extra-long Covid syndrome4
Making European decisions6
The big inflation question2
Serbia and Kosovo, past and future2
The Fertile Crescent, end of 20226
India: where the other Asian giant is heading5
America’s prospects after the November vote5
The Ukraine question: deterrence and political aims7
The world and the un-Popular Republic of China5
Midterm: Biden's America two years on7
The Eurasian Intersection6
Energy choices in the making6
The China trap4
The global economy in a sea of political risk4
The new phase of the Ukraine war9
Winds of change in Latin America7
Europe turning right4
The energy bottleneck4
The invasion of Ukraine, six months on5
The Taiwan nexus3
America's contested politics5
Market strategies to manage the energy price challenge - in cooperation with CESI2
Assessing Türkiye’s prospects7
The meaning of a protracted war in Ukraine4
NATO and a new security landscape4
Russia's choices and their price - From Aspenia 974
How the times are changing in the Indo-Pacific5
Europe's multicolored politics8
Russia and the West: moment of truth5
America's complicated 20226
The big energy realignment4
The Russian-Ukrainian front6
Challenged globalization and its future3
Assessing the cyber and space domains3
Europe after February 24, 20226
African trends in a changing international context5
Tense elections in Europe4
Of Energy & Sanctions5
Mid East: Historical legacies & Future options5
Scenarios for a new global system7
The pandemic that cannot be forgotten5
The aggression against Ukraine20
Biden and America’s home front6
A new global economic outlook5
Europe’s Russo-Ukrainian moment14
Assessing Europe 20225
Of energies and taxonomies5
The Kazakhstan question and the wider geopolitics8
A complex climate6
America, at war with itself? - From Aspenia 953
The Taiwan question in the East Asia chessboard5
The green transition and energy security after COP26 - in cooperation with CESI3
The US, democracies and the rest4
The Russian question - again4
US politics and Biden’s domestic challenges5
Flashpoints and security dynamics across Africa7
Hi-tech’s mutliple fronts: politics, economics and ethics3
Europe’s wider neighbourhood6
A global reckoning: climate and the economy9
In search of the Biden doctrine4
XXI Century Cities: Trends and Visions5
The economics of a new post-war era?4
In defense of Europe2
Digital currencies and their contested future4
A different Germany?4
The Indo-Pacific challenge for the US and Europe4
Germany‘s vote and Merkel’s legacy3
September 114
Smart grids for the energy transition - in cooperation with CESI3
The long transition of the world economy5
Tough questions from Afghanistan16
Biden's America4
Olympic Politics4
Understanding the political economy of the EU’s Green Deal6
Geopolitics and Migration: Panamerican Summer4
Beyond the Sahara, Europe’s high stakes3
Political leaders: make or break moments5
Recovery and Transition - the Economy and the Climate6
The Russia Paradox - From Aspenia 932
Allied power: Biden’s US and us9
The US energy transition and its wider context - in cooperation with CESI4
New dynamics in the wider Mediterranean4
The German Nexus4
The Israeli-Pelestinian flashpoint, back again4
How waterways reshape connections6
New pathways of globalization - From Aspenia 924
Changing world dynamics5
The global politics of climate goals2
The hi-tech cold peace - From Aspenia 925
America looking beyond the pandemic6
The Mid East’s changing politics4
China’s 2020s - from Aspenia 924
Vaccines and the battle to defeat Covid-199
The urban challenge: How cities adapt across the world5
Sino-American Asia5
Hopes and fears in the EU6
What Africa means for the West5
Transforming economies: global challenges & national choices4
The Myanmar coup: roots and ripples3
Russia’s power structure under pressure?3
Europe: time for hard choices3
Biden and the world, early steps5
Arab Springs and Winters, ten years on5
America’s days of reckoning6
From Aspenia 91 - Transatlantic perspectives4
Europe and the world, looking forward5
The Brexit drama toward its last act3
Reopening the Iran dossier?2
NATO 2030: the Alliance toward a new era3
The multiple fronts for the next US administration5
Europe taking stock of Biden's victory5
The shape of the 2020s world6
Green Life Matters4
Libya and the East Med context5
America votes: snaphots of a changing society5
US politics under stress and democracy’s dilemmas5
New conflict scenarios in the Caucasus3
The economic future is here5
America and the world: multiple challenges for the next President5
The EastMed geoeconomic flashpoint3
America's choice67
The strange Middle East accord that marks no peace3
The Trump Referendum5
A new start for the EU?8
Economic opportunities during a pandemic4
US elections 2020: a preview3
Africa’s challenges: assessing energy policy responses4
American Summer8
Re-funding Europe4
China and the Rest, 20204
Our video commentaries32
What changes (and what doesn't) between Europe and Russia5
The Latin American pandemic epicenter4
Adjusting to the Covid-19 challenge6
A truly new world economy?6
America's politics on fire4
Questions for the West - from Aspenia 893
Post-pandemic China and the "decoupling" dynamic4
Scenarios for Europe4
Prospects for the U.S., after the peak4
How the pandemic is reshaping politics and policies7
Covid-19: assessing the early economic fallout4
The analytical power of intelligence to address a systemic crisis4
Africa as a big question mark5
One pandemic, multiple fallouts15
Putin, now and forever?4
After Super Tuesday, Super Biden?6
Democracy: global questions, local answers4
Climate Wars, Environmental Debate5
Economics of coronavirus57
Infrastructures: the backbone of the coming geopolitics6
Workers of the world, times are changing!4
The State of the Union as America begins to vote4
Religious factors and Africa’s many cleavages6
Participation and social change in the Muslim world5
Europe's multiple foreign policy fronts4
The Post-Consumerist Societies3
The 2020 US primaries & the Democrats’ challenges6
Democracy vs. the Rest4
The Iranian question and the Mid East’s shifting politics3
World Economy: Taking stock for 20205
Johnson’s Brexit to the test6
Reassessing NATO's future4
Digital Geopolitics - Special issue in cooperation with CESI4
A checkup for Euro-American relations4
XXI Century Cities - and their politics5
The great convergence: energy innovation and a new economic model3
The Central Asia chessboard and beyond4
30 years without the Wall: hope and disillusionment3
12 months to Trump's referendum7
Argentina, Chile, Bolivia: new Latin American trends5
Canada’s exceptionalism and Trudeau’s second chance2
The Asia-Pacific power play4
Tunisia's changing political landscape3
Egypt's discontents3
The Russia power algorithm4
China at 70: the third Revolution3
Tunisia between two election rounds3
Climate Realpolitik8
The Saudi-Iranian question, and Israel's elections4
Europe: Debating a "Geopolitical Commission"3
Trump's foreign policy hotspots4
The 21st Century's raw materials6
The Tunisian experiment continues3
The G7 that reflected the world’s many uncertainties2
The Southeast Asian strategic battlefield4
America 2019: a country in transition6
The China factor in the Pacific cold war4
Contested Europe and its dilemmas9
The Iranian conundrum: assessing an escalation3
Geopolitics of the Algorithm5
Upcoming leaders for Europe and the UK2
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, and the political alignments around the Red Sea6
Reflections on Europe4
India: the other great power3
The post-vote European agenda10
Trade, jobs and politics5
The EU’s German core4
Trends and actors reshaping Latin America6
Three African countries to watch3
Spring 2019 in the Arab world4
Spain after the election3
Europe's enduring dilemmas4
The Ukraine nexus4
Post-vote Israeli prospects2
America 2020: the starting grid4
NATO turns 703
The end of old Algeria2
Brexit dilemmas3
The battle for Europe5
Xi's Chinese Revolution8
The great strategic game in Asia4
The macro-challenge of China’s Belt and Road5
The new energy mix4
Political narratives vs. Social realities4
The demographic factor across societies5
The Islamic Republic of Iran turns 403
The state of Europe's frontier3
Economic dysfunctions and global risks3
Transatlantic security in question5
The state of the United States5
Latin America’s prospects5
2019: the year Brexit will happen?10
How US security policy may be changing3
The restless Mid East3
Leadership: style and substance4
Media, Technology, and Democracy4
Assessing Brexit’s tortuous path3
A global economy that no G20 can really manage3
Maritime geopolitics in the Mediterranean4
How voters and politicians view America’s future5
African hotspots and foreign interests4
Saudi shadows and Turkish ambitions3
North Africa’s traps and hopes5
After the Midterms3
Brazil's stark choice2
The shifting China factor - from Aspenia 824
Asian leaders in an evolving geopolitics5
Europe and non Europe4
Climate politics3
Themes for the U.S. Midterms7
Rules and rights for the digital world4
The energy transition: charging ahead4
The Libyan flashpoint2
The indebted economies3
Latest From The Editors5
US (di)visions toward the Midterm elections4
Shifting peoples, populism and politics4
The Israel conundrum1
New and old European divides3
The comeback of the city-State4
Africa and its global challenges4
Troubling trends in "new Europe"2
Evolving Mid East conflicts4
The changing face of globalization & technology5
Crossroads for the Western world?4
America toward a unique presidential election0
A background on Congo2