international analysis and commentary
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Mexicans choose “AMLO”: now what?

Since Latin America’s return to democracy beginning in 1978, many middle class and poor citizens have found the old party systems unwilling and unable to generate sustainable and broad-based development. As voters they abandoned these…

Il nodo del petrolio nella guerra dei dazi

C'è un prima e un dopo nel mercato petrolifero, e quindi nelle relazioni che lo costituiscono, a seconda che lo si guardi prima o dopo l'accelerazione della guerra di dazi voluta da Donald Trump nei confronti della Cina. Uno degli ultimi…

The long wave of 1968

When we think of 1968 today, the first things that come to mind are the student movements, protests against the Vietnam War, and a new social consciousness. The year has become a synonym for a cultural shift, a breakaway from rigid…