While the picture on the internal dimension looks bleak, attention has shifted to the external one: it is this topic that yields the most agreement among member states
The US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, coupled with Iraq’s recent election results, offer Saudi Arabia an opportunity to regain leverage in the Middle East vis-Ă -vis Teheran. At the same time, Iran maintains its strong influence in…
E’ abbastanza stupefacente l’intesa mostrata nel recente incontro (25 aprile) tra Donald Trump ed Emmanuel Macron. I due presidenti infatti rappresentano, non solo per le loro biografie o addirittura per l’apparenza, due opposti. Uno, il…
 La politica dell’amministrazione Trump in Siria è sempre piĂą un concentrato dei dilemmi politico-militari che Washington deve affrontare su scala globale. Le ipotesi di una qualche collaborazione con la Russia sono presto tramontate, un…
Now that Vladimir Putin has won his fourth presidential mandate to little surprise, two dates will determine the long-time leader’s intentions for the near future of Russia and for Putin’s personal legacy. The first is May 21 of this year,…