In June 2038 – with the energy transition behind us – things are looking up for those utilities and operators that have embraced the change. Our energy future is cleaner, more sustainable, more flexible and less expensive thanks to…
Almost one year after US President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the general contours of his administration’s approach to climate and energy policy is coming into focus. In terms of climate change, the most attention-grabbing item was…
Sono passati più di 7 mesi da quando, il 1 giugno 2017, Donald Trump ha annunciato l’intenzione di avviare le procedure per il ritiro degli Stati Uniti dall’Accordo di Parigi. È quindi possibile fare un primo bilancio, che porta ad una…
The past decade has seen a tremendous transformation in the U.S. natural gas landscape. During the Administration of George W. Bush, the U.S. was expected to be on an inextricable upward trajectory of natural gas import demand, with some…