international analysis and commentary
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Politics & Government

Il senso della “dual circulation strategy”

Il piano economico della Cina post-pandemia si fonda su alcuni elementi ormai consolidati della politica economica cinese dell’ultimo decennio, ribaditi alla luce dell’evoluzione del contesto economico e politico internazionale determinata…

Urban power: still strong but humbler?

The COVID-19 crisis has been and is a crisis of the state, in the sense of a critical moment of transformation for the state. National governments have been back on the stage, with unprecedented strength as they have reshaped geographies –…

We follow the science, then politics intrudes

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, “follow the science!” has been repeated like a mantra. Yet we have followed science at a safe distance at best. Europe’s AstraZeneca vaccine saga is the latest example. Some people suffered blood clots…