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Economy & Finance

Trump takes aim at globalization on day 1

The inaugural address of the 45th President of the United States had all the nuance of a boxing match, with the outsider Trump on one side, and the Western financial and political Ă©lite on the other. Anyone who hoped to see a calmer, more…

Trump’s take on global trade

One thing is certain about what to expect from the new Trump administration concerning global trade policy: There will be great uncertainty. Donald Trump talked tough on trade throughout the US presidential campaign. He singled out some…

Il senso del paradosso spagnolo

Il lungo periodo nell'ombra, dopo tanta ribalta sul palcoscenico continentale, sembra concluso: negli ultimi anni, la Spagna si è dedicata alle ferite profonde inferte dalla congiuntura negativa, e alle sue multiple crisi politiche – il…

The post-referendum era: time to look forward

What will Britain look like, now that it has decided to leave the European Union? And what are its opportunities in a post Brexit-era, with an unstable Europe and a destabilizing geopolitical context? Although it has not yet been decided…