international analysis and commentary

Aspenia 60 – Special focus on Syria


This original dossier, also prepared on the occasion of the publication of Aspenia 60, focuses on the Syrian conflict, its ramifications and the neighboring countries. Special analysis by Fred H. Lawson and Maarten van Aalderen.



The Syrian opposition’s dangerous divisions (PDF)
Fred H. Lawson

Le Primavere e il modello turco (PDF)
Maarten van Aalderen

See also

Analyzing Syria’s crisis economy: meltdown or resilience?
Joulan Abdul Khalek

Foreign fighters in Syria: a terrorist threat to Europe?
Teun van Dongen

Il Libano e il conflitto siriano: la gestione di una stabilità fragile
Bernard Selwan Khoury

Il nuovo realismo americano di fronte alla questione israelo-palestinese
Claudia De Martino