international analysis and commentary
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Collision or collusion in open skies?

In 2017, American Airlines Chief Executive Doug Parker declared, “I don’t think we are ever going to lose money again.” And yet, three years later, both American and global airline industry prospects are grimmer than ever. Since the…

Occidente in dissolvenza

Papa Francesco non è “contro le moschee”. Il suo gregge è cristiano e cattolico, ma questo Pontefice rispetta profondamente i greggi altrui. Da tempo il messaggio dell’Angelus di San Pietro è interconfessionale. Il dolore di Jorge Bergoglio…

Big Tech’s Dickensian Crossroads

The words of Charles Dickens written over a century and a half ago, well before mass electricity and with coal still powering London, are remarkably suitable to the state of the tech sector, and of Western “big tech” players in particular,…