international analysis and commentary
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Rousseau’s curse

Jean Jacques Rousseau once argued that even the best made constitutional arrangements cannot function if the people who get to power do not want them to work. At the time, he was reflecting on the government of Poland. Today he might look…

Rinnovare la democrazia

L’avanzata del populismo in Occidente, l’ascesa della Cina a Oriente e l’ubiqua diffusione dei social media inducono a ripensare i meccanismi di funzionamento – o malfunzionamento – della democrazia. La globalizzazione e la rivoluzione…

Why the West rules – for now

â–  “HISTORY, n. An account, mostly false, of events, mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves, and soldiers, mostly fools.” This is the definition given by Ambrose Bierce in The Devil’s Dictionary. It is a…