international analysis and commentary
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Requirements for a European defense

History shows that a political community incapable of ensuring its own defense and security on the ground is in danger, sooner or later, of also losing its freedom. The crucial issue is simple, yet it is anything but a foregone conclusion.…

The European Strategic Compass: Entering the Fray

The Strategic Compass for the EU’s security and defence policy, to be adopted in 2022, must generate immediate action. The best way of ensuring that is to prepare new capability initiatives and, potentially, new operational engagements now,…

Come si formano i governi tedeschi

La Costituzione della Repubblica Federale Tedesca è la base giuridica dell'elezione del "Cancelliere Federale", investito di ampi poteri nell'ambito del governo del Paese – tanto che per il sistema tedesco si usa la formula di "democrazia…