international analysis and commentary
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Il dilemma dell’intellettuale populista

La fase politica populista si avvicina al suo apice almeno in Europa, dove alle elezioni di maggio si prevede l’avanzamento delle cosiddette “destre sovraniste”: i sondaggi vedono i partiti di questa area in crescita, anche se i popolari…

China’s information war

Over the past five or six years, China’s state-backed global information strategy, which once seemed incapable of exerting significant influence internationally, has been radically overhauled and expanded. This shift comes at a time when…

Digital power and democracy

We live in a society that revolves around data. The use of digital data is so all-pervasive, particularly (though not only) in the more industrially-advanced economies, that it has spawned a new ecosystem: the uninterrupted flow of digital…

News today: an existential challenge

The days of a vertical hierarchy in news media are over, swept aside by an exciting but unquestionably chaotic breed of horizontal peer-to-peer communications – a form of journalism by smartphone where the rules governing traditional news…