international analysis and commentary
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Il volto di Johnson e la Global Britain

Per capire Donald Trump, dicevano gli amici americani nel 2016, bisogna leggere il suo libro: “The art of the deal”. Per capire Johnson, dicono oggi gli amici inglesi, bisogna leggere invece il libro che Boris ha scritto nel 2014: “The…

Brexit will be done, but how?

The December 12 British election – the fourth in less than 5 years – was meant to settle once and for all the question of the future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Just like the referendum called by then…

Now, can we please get Brexit done?

The Brits have spoken again. In less than three years after the 2016 referendum on European membership, the December 12th elections marked the third time citizens endorsed a prime minister to get Brexit done. The outcome of the elections…