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foreign policy

Il nuovo Messico negli scenari internazionali

ÂĄViva MĂ©xico! era il grido degli indipendentisti messicani all’inizio dell’Ottocento. Tre volte lo ha ripetuto AndrĂ©s Manuel LĂłpez Obrador per chiudere il suo primo discorso da presidente del Messico, lo scorso 1 dicembre. Quel discorso, e…

Venezuela’s uprising in context

In his call for an uprising against the regime of NicolĂĄs Maduro, opposition leader Juan Guaido clearly has the majority of popular support in Venezuela and the crucial diplomatic and economic support of the Western world, that is, the…

Is there a Euro-Atlantic populist wave?

In 2016, the world began to change, with the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump. In both cases, there was a revolt of the voters, an insurrection of ‘regular people’ against the structures of political and media power, that…