international analysis and commentary
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I numeri di BRIC e MINT: la dimensione non basta

I paesi BRIC (Brasile, Russia, India, Cina) e MINT (Messico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turchia) hanno in comune tra loro un grosso potenziale di crescita economica. E’ una potenzialità determinata anche dalla notevole dimensione delle rispettive…

Toward a more balanced global growth?

Six years after the start of the Great Recession of 2008-09, the outlook for the world economy now looks relatively optimistic, albeit amid some new risks and challenges. Following years of balance sheet adjustment and policymakers…

Extending the West requires rethinking mental maps

The idea of extending the West – a club of like-minded countries – has been at the heart of transatlantic debates over the past two decades. It had tangible expression in EU and NATO enlargement. Today, both of these processes are now less…