Il percorso verso le Convention che eleggeranno i candidati alla presidenza è ancora lungo: si è votato in appena 14 stati su 50 e, se la situazione in campo democratico sembra favorevole a Hillary Clinton, nel campo repubblicano regna…
It is not too early to think through what sort of foreign policies the two would be likely to run if they were to enter the White House. One thing is for sure: the relatively quiet, steady, realist Obama years are about to be superseded by…
After running on parallel tracks for several weeks, the Democratic and Republican primaries diverged on Super Tuesday to go each in its own direction. While the Grand old party (Gop) accelerated toward a Donald Trump train wreck, the…
State borders in the Middle East are under great pressure from multiple forces. The Ebook just published by Treccani (“Bordering a New Middle East: Frontiers, weak states and the great imbalance of power”), as an Aspenia online Special,…