international analysis and commentary

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The Iraqi conundrum beyond ISIS

With the mentioning of Iraq these days, one immediately thinks of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). It was in Iraq that more than ten years ago the primary structure of what would become ISIS was born, and it was in Iraq that Abu Bakr…

Il fattore nucleare nel nuovo Giappone di Abe

Il dossier del nucleare civile costituisce da tempo il più evidente punto di divaricazione tra la politica del governo Abe e l’opinione pubblica giapponese così come viene definita dai sondaggi. Ma il quadro ora sembra destinato a…

India’s complex nuclear policy

The Indian government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has had one overriding policy goal in the nuclear field since its election just over two years ago: to bring closure to New Delhi's policy of bringing itself out of nuclear sanctions and…