international analysis and commentary
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The uncertain state of the Biden economy

President Biden’s State of the Union address on February 7 touted the economic achievements of his administration. He took credit for a new approach to supporting the transition to a renewables-based economy and a trillion dollar program of…

Homes for Americans: a worsening problem

“Right here in America, if you own your own home, you're realizing the American dream.” Former President George W. Bush said in a 2002 speech. Indeed, is there a better embodiment of the American lifestyle than a single home with a picket…

Digital Opinion Leader: un futuro sintetico

Tra i fenomeni dell’industria digitale piĂą rilevanti c’è quello degli influencer: umani e sintetici (come vedremo tra poco) che influenzano il pubblico, tramite diffusione di contenuti audio e/o video via piattaforme sociali. In Cina lo…