international analysis and commentary

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Why the world should watch Mali

Mali has undergone periods of rebellion, reconciliation and reconstruction four times since gaining independence from France in 1960. But this time – since 2012 – conflict is turning heads and spiraling out of control. The global community,…

La traccia delle primavere arabe

 Le vicende algerine e sudanesi dei mesi scorsi, con proteste di piazza e qualche cambiamento al vertice (sebbene nulla di radicale) sembrano aver riattivato alcuni meccanismi che abbiamo visto all’opera dal 2011 con le cosiddette…

Assessing European geopolitics in Libya

European powers seem to agree on a shared vision for Libya: a functioning state with which they can do business, and one that is capable of ensuring control of its own borders. Yet, caught up with their own geopolitical interests in Libya…