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Le guerre di Bolsonaro al tempo del coronavirus

In Brasile sono in atto da due mesi quattro “guerre” senza esclusioni di colpi figlie delle crisi, sociale ed economica, causate dal coronavirus. La prima per il controllo dei vertici della Polizia Federale con il presidente: Jair Messias…

Brazil and the economics of the virus

2020 was supposed to be a year of renaissance for Brazil. Since 2015, the largest economy of South America has been stagnating, with GDP dropping by 3.6% in 2015 and by 3.4% in 2016, and only slowly recovering between 2017 and 2019. In…

Covid-19: What went wrong in Britain

The British government did not have a “good crisis”. On a raft of metrics, the UK’s coronavirus outbreak ranks among the worst in Europe, if the not the worst altogether. To date, official counts have recorded 300,000 coronavirus cases and…