
Massimo Deandreis
Massimo Deandreis, is General Manager of SRM, an Economic Research Centre related to the Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group, specialized in the Italian economy, energy issues and maritime economy in a European and Mediterranean perspective. He is also currently President of GEI, the Italian Society of Business Economists, and he has been Professor of Business Management at University of Turin from 2008 to 2018. In the past he worked as a researcher at Centro Einaudi in Turin and the European Association of Regional Financial Centres (ACRFRE), collaborating with the OECD. He served as Head of the Piemonte delegation to the European Union and he has been General Director of the Piemonte Regional Chamber of Commerce for eight years.
La situazione che si è creata nel Mar Rosso dal 19 ottobre sta iniziando ad avere pesanti impatti sull’economia globale, oltre a causare tensioni geopolitiche e di carattere militare. Se è vero che gli assalti degli Houthi contro alcune…