
David Blazquez
David Blázquez is the editor of Americracia, a blog on US politics for Spanish newspaper El Mundo. He was HarvardX Teaching Fellow for Michael Sandel's Course “Justice”. He holds a BA and an MA in Philosophy from Complutense University, an MA/M.Phil. in Political Science from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and a master's degree (MALD) from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. In 2014, he co-directed the first edition of the Rafael del Pino Foundation Workshop on Global Leadership at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard and serves currently as its Program Advisor. Prior to joining Aspen Institute España, where he now is program manager, he worked as an advisor for Security Council issues at the Spanish Mission to the UN (New York) and at the Department of International Security at Chatham House (London).Twitter: @david_blzqz