international analysis and commentary
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The Tide Turns

On the night of December 7, 1941 – Winston Churchill recorded the next day in his diary – he had “slept the sleep of the saved.”  With the United States’ entry into World War II now assured as the result of the Japanese attack on Pearl…

Il rebus Kamala Harris, “running mate”

Non è arrivato come un fatto inaspettato, lo scorso 25 aprile, l’annuncio di Joe Biden di voler correre, di nuovo insieme alla sua vice Kamala Harris, alle elezioni presidenziali del 2024. È almeno dal 2021 che, nell’ipotesi di una…

Assessing a unique vice-presidential debate

The 2020 presidential campaign continues to disrupt any precedent. Only days after mocking his adversary Joe Biden for wearing masks and being cautious in the face of COVID-19, Donald Trump tested positive and was hospitalized for a few…