international analysis and commentary
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The US foreign policy debate seen from Germany

Those in Germany who were hoping to hear about future transatlantic relations in the final presidential debate, focused on foreign policy, were clearly disappointed. In fact, it was not because of something the candidates said, but because…

How Germans view the US presidential race

“I support him, no matter what he does.” This is how Chancellor Angela Merkel openly showed her support for incumbent President Sarkozy during the French electoral campaign in February. It was the only occasion in which she intervened in…

Dopo Lisbona il gioco si fa duro

Sono state settimane importanti, per l’Unione europea. PerchĂ© sono caduti due motivi di stallo. Primo, lo stallo tedesco. Angela Merkel, vinte le elezioni e sotterrata la grande coalizione con i socialdemocratici, tenterĂ  di guidare…