international analysis and commentary
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Come l’Europa (non) racconta sĂ© stessa

La difficoltĂ  di comunicare, di rompere la “bolla” che separa le istituzioni dai cittadini, Ăš un problema costante della politica europea. Una difficoltĂ  ormai proverbiale, simbolo della distanza di Bruxelles dagli europei in carne e ossa,…

The “Russian factor” in European politics

The “Russian factor” in European elections recalls the heightened dangers and intrigues of the Cold War, when the superpower competition for European hearts and minds served as preparation for World War III. In the sixty years of European…

A reassuring election result, the Dutch way

The Dutch have spoken. Even before the official election results are announced, one can conclude that Mark Rutte, with his liberal right VVD-party, has won by a landslide. It was an unexpected victory that caused great relief, not only in…

La destra europea corre sul web

 “Riprendiamoci la nostra patria!”. Usano declinazioni, tonalitĂ  e sfumature molto diverse, ma i candidati della destra nazional-populista europea battono e ribattono precisamente questo messaggio, come parola d’ordine dell’anno elettorale…