international analysis and commentary
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The emerging EU leadership at a glance

"United in diversity" could have not been a better motto for the European Union these days. From Polish conservatives to Italy’s Five Star Movement and even Scottish nationalists, many different caucuses of the European Parliament have…

The Greek trajectory and Syriza’s fate

New Democracy emerged victorious in the Greek elections on 7 July 2019, with a 39.85% share of the vote – that is 7.5% more than SYRIZA. This is a far cry from the political landscape of July 2015, when the (then) radical left SYRIZA party…

Come gestire la Cina (o esserne gestiti)

Secondo uno studio realizzato congiuntamente dal Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) - basato a Berlino - e dal Rhodium Group – una società di consulenza basata a New York - nel 2016 gli investimenti cinesi in Europa sono stati…