international analysis and commentary
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The Greek crisis and transatlantic geopolitics

In the debate over the Greek financial crisis, attention has understandably focused on questions of policy, transparency and responsibility in Athens, and in Europe. The recent meeting of the Aspen European Dialogue in Venice (March 5-6,…

Asia Needs to Reform to Rise

Asian economies are weathering the present global crisis but long-term gains will be possible only if governments use the opportunity to carry out more reforms. It has been almost exactly two years since Bear Stearns  & Company ignited…

Le ragioni delle scelte tedesche

Dopo mesi di cauto (e criticato) attendismo, il governo di Angela Merkel ha improvvisamente abbandonato i lidi del rigore nei conti pubblici per passare all’offensiva. Ciò sulla base di considerazioni contingenti, in massima parte legate…