international analysis and commentary
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The post-referendum era: time to look forward

What will Britain look like, now that it has decided to leave the European Union? And what are its opportunities in a post Brexit-era, with an unstable Europe and a destabilizing geopolitical context? Although it has not yet been decided…

A declining euro-dollar rate: food for debate

Since May 2014, the euro-collar exchange rate has seen a significant decline. This may seem remarkable, especially compared to the two-year period before, when the value of the euro steadily rose from approximately $1.20 to almost $1.40.…

La percezione iraniana della visione saudita

È stata accolta con un malcelato scetticismo, a Teheran, la divulgazione dell’ambizioso piano saudita di sviluppo economico e diversificazione industriale conosciuto come Vision 2030. Il documento, presentato con grande enfasi a Riyad alla…