international analysis and commentary
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Berlin Wall questions

Aspenia Online: Can you think of historical precedents, or parallels, in which a country builds a barrier (and maintains it for three decades) in order mostly to keep its own people in, rather than some external threat out? The North Korean…

Il Muro Invisibile che resiste

I festeggiamenti per i 25 anni del crollo del Muro di Berlino, il 9 novembre 2014, si erano ancora svolti con un certo entusiasmo. Certo, la frattura tra Est e Ovest della Germania era già un problema di cui discutere, ma permaneva…

Berlin, thirty years on

“This will come into effect, as far as I know, immediately, right away,” stuttered a confused German Democratic Republic (GDR) spokesman, on November 9th, 1989, at a press conference after reading out in perfect technical jargon the new…