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Society & Culture

La Germania che va verso destra

Le elezioni tedesche ci dicono due cose: l’armonia interna del paese è più fragile di quanto si pensasse, e la Germania tende verso destra. Confermando comunque per la quarta volta Angela Merkel alla Cancelleria, i tedeschi sembrano aver…

A political earthquake, German style

The term “political earthquake” may be in overuse in Western democracies in recent years, but it is certainly not an overstatement when describing what happened during the German elections on September 24, 2017. The political turmoil…

The Rohingya crisis: What can be done

In recent months, considerable ink and pixels have been spilled chronicling the growing humanitarian crisis in western Myanmar, and castigating  the Myanmar security forces for their scorched earth policy toward Rakhine State in the…

A Blockchain-Based Energy Future?

Addressing the long-term imperatives of the energy sector, including the difficult task of reconciling affordability, sustainability and security amid a changing climate and technological disruption, will involve more than the employment of…