international analysis and commentary
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Society & Culture

Le due pandemie e la cura cinese

L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha emesso un bollettino il 2 febbraio in cui denuncia l'esistenza di due pandemie: oltre al “2019-nCoV”, si è diffuso anche un tipo digitale di “virus” che porta con sé informazioni false o fuorvianti…

A Political Diagnosis of the Coronavirus

The speed and massive scale of China’s response to the coronavirus “showed China’s efficiency and the advantages of China’s system”, said Tedros Adhanom, director-general of the World Health Organization, during a visit to Chinese president…

Income and labor in the 21st century

To really understand the fundamental dynamics of today's labor market and the serious challenges that lie ahead, one must step back from the current debate as the greater part of the public discussion on work and income is still stuck in…