A foreign policy approach – to competitors, potential partners and friends alike – based on open-ended negotiations and no preconditions seems like the triumph of flexibility.
Barack Obama entered the White House on a promise of “hope and change.” He leaves as, to some, the worst president in history, who came close to ruining the country; to others, one of our most brilliant and competent, making the country…
I tanti sondaggi prodotti in questi otto anni hanno costantemente evidenziato la soliditĂ e tenuta della popolaritĂ di Barack Obama fuori dai confini statunitensi e in Europa in particolare.
It seems like a million years ago that Barack Obama, then at the apogee of his fame, gave his address to half a million people in Berlin in 2008. Curious to see the phenomenon of Obama-mania, I was a drop of water in that ocean of people.