international analysis and commentary
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Politics & Government

Barack Obama, Conservative

John McCain’s campaign started calling Barack Obama a socialist last fall as a last-ditch attempt to avoid what by then looked to be near-certain defeat.  Of course, at that point Obama was surging because the global financial meltdown had…

NATO at 60: back to the fundamentals

On April 4, the Atlantic Alliance celebrates its 60th anniversary: it had better be an occasion for reflection as much as for celebration. NATO’s greatest historic achievement is to have successfully defended the independence of the…

Le ragioni delle scelte tedesche

Dopo mesi di cauto (e criticato) attendismo, il governo di Angela Merkel ha improvvisamente abbandonato i lidi del rigore nei conti pubblici per passare all’offensiva. Ciò sulla base di considerazioni contingenti, in massima parte legate…