international analysis and commentary
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Politics & Government

The cold war between Turkey and Israel

For many decades, the relationship between Israel and Turkey was a cornerstone of regional stability in the Near East. Turkey was the first Muslim majority country to recognize the State of Israel in March 1949, and since then the two…

Le opinioni dei francesi, dieci anni dopo

L'America si è davvero rialzata? L'interrogativo che appare sulla prima pagina di Le Monde sintetizza lo spirito con cui si discute sui giornali francesi il decennale dell'11 settembre; in uno dei paesi occidentali che meno ha approvato e…

Facing terror: fear in the aftermath of 9/11

On June 11, 2001, exactly three months before 9/11, Americans sat comfortably on their couches as they were transported via their television screens to Terre Haute, Indiana. That was the setting for the execution of the country's top…

9/11: The bonfire of false certainties

The nineteenth century French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville was writing about “l’ancien regime” less than a lifetime after the 1789 French Revolution. The French people, Tocqueville wrote, had cut their destiny in two and were…