I tanti sondaggi prodotti in questi otto anni hanno costantemente evidenziato la soliditĂ e tenuta della popolaritĂ di Barack Obama fuori dai confini statunitensi e in Europa in particolare.
To put things into perspective, it was only seven years ago when the Democratic Party controlled the Presidency (Barack Obama), the Senate (60 seats out of 100), the House (257 seats out of 435) and had a decent record of victories in the…
It seems like a million years ago that Barack Obama, then at the apogee of his fame, gave his address to half a million people in Berlin in 2008. Curious to see the phenomenon of Obama-mania, I was a drop of water in that ocean of people.
Ricorrono nel novembre prossimo i 70 anni della Risoluzione delle Nazioni Unite che decise la spartizione di quella piccola terra contesa – Palestina o Eretz Israel – in due Stati, l’uno ebraico e l’altro arabo.