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Economy & Finance

Big Tech’s Dickensian Crossroads

The words of Charles Dickens written over a century and a half ago, well before mass electricity and with coal still powering London, are remarkably suitable to the state of the tech sector, and of Western “big tech” players in particular,…

The American-style Covid-19 recession

Between a surge of Covid-19 cases, Black Lives Matter protests sweeping the country, and Donald Trump’s forays into authoritarianism, with national guard and secret police sent into cities to stop protesters, one thing seems to have slipped…

Storia di due bilanci

ll D-(eal) Day dell’Europa post-COVID è arrivato dopo cinque giorni e quattro notti di negoziato. Le trattative si sono chiuse all’alba del 21 luglio – che a Bruxelles, dove i capi di Stato e di governo dell’Unione Europea si sono riuniti…