La Brexit non segna tanto l’uscita della Gran Bretagna dall’Europa, quanto l’attenuazione dei legami transatlantici e l’aggravarsi del disimpegno americano dall’Europa.
Before talking about the immediate future of US foreign policy in the Middle East, let us spare a kind thought for the last days of the underrated, if embattled, Obama administration. In his quiet, deliberative, realist manner, the…
Like all addictions, getting off oil will be painful at first but rewarding at last for Saudi Arabia. By seriously pursuing economic reforms and maintaining a firm position on oil production, Riyadh seems to be suggesting where there is a…
A quattro mesi dal fallimento dell’incontro OPEC di Doha, il presidente del cartello petrolifero Mohammed Al-Sada ha annunciato un vertice straordinario a fine settembre ad Algeri per discutere della possibilitĂ di un congelamento della…
South and East Mediterranean Countries (SEMCs), although currently accounting for only one-fourth of the total GDP of the Mediterranean region, are expected to grow at twice the rate of the North Mediterranean Countries (NMCs) till 2030,…