So far, the year 2016 has been an annus horribilis for the Republican party, target of a hostile takeover by a media-savvy billionaire. At the Cleveland convention Donald Trump is celebrating his victory in this internal battle, in many…
US policy towards Russia is not all about NATO. At the same time, it is not not about NATO. The Alliance's Warsaw Summit, which took place on July 8-9, emphasized the need to deter Russian aggression and to strengthen reassurance among…
Guardiamo all’Europa come snodo centrale della sicurezza transatlantica: l’interesse della NATO, nonostante la fine della guerra fredda e con i prolungati impegni balcanici, sembra essersi proiettato quasi esclusivamente a Est, e dunque…
The Warsaw summit, which took place on July 8 and 9, occurred at a time when the challenges facing the venerable North Atlantic Treaty Organization have never been more serious. Despite the usual expressions of alliance solidarity, there…