What started out as an ordinary Friday evening, on July 15, abruptly turned into a night of confusion and dread as a clique within the Turkish Armed Forces tried to stage a coup d’état.
US policy towards Russia is not all about NATO. At the same time, it is not not about NATO. The Alliance's Warsaw Summit, which took place on July 8-9, emphasized the need to deter Russian aggression and to strengthen reassurance among…
Guardiamo all’Europa come snodo centrale della sicurezza transatlantica: l’interesse della NATO, nonostante la fine della guerra fredda e con i prolungati impegni balcanici, sembra essersi proiettato quasi esclusivamente a Est, e dunque…
The Warsaw summit, which took place on July 8 and 9, occurred at a time when the challenges facing the venerable North Atlantic Treaty Organization have never been more serious. Despite the usual expressions of alliance solidarity, there…