international analysis and commentary
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China & East Asia

Indicators for success

National governments everywhere are anxious to understand where to invest so as to make the most of their countries’ potential strengths. By scoring locations and sectors on a scale that measures capabilities and competitiveness – by using…

Il destino di Hong Kong che sembra giĂ  segnato

Le proteste che dall'inizio di giugno hanno infuocato Hong Kong sono state innescate dall’ opposizione a un disegno di legge che avrebbe consentito l'estradizione in Cina per i cittadini della ex colonia britannica. Il timore piĂą diffuso…

US-China: The cool war

What is the current structure of international relations? No topic has generated more heated, erudite debate since the end of the Cold War in 1991. I will argue that today’s global structure is one of “emerging bipolarity.” The US and China…