The victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election is certainly, even if provisionally, overshadowing the Brexit issue. Yet, considering the support expressed by Trump for Brexit, the new US political leadership might well add a…
Dal peso della tradizione non si scappa. Per comprendere pienamente la decisione presa il 3 novembre dall’Alta Corte di Londra di non far avanzare i negoziati sul “divorzio del secolo” prima di un dibattito parlamentare, si deve tenere ben…
Ever since the final months of the referendum campaign that culminated with the June 23rd vote to leave the European Union, the debate about Brexit has penetrated every corner of British public opinion. Every media outlet in the country has…
If Hillary Clinton had won, Europe's governments would have been facing a tricky foreign policy scenario (ranging from confrontation with Russia to escalation in Syria) but they would have had an easier time on the domestic political…