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Articles in English

Rousseau’s curse

Jean Jacques Rousseau once argued that even the best made constitutional arrangements cannot function if the people who get to power do not want them to work. At the time, he was reflecting on the government of Poland. Today he might look…

Brexit will be done, but how?

Az EgyesĂĽlt Királyság kilĂ©pĂ©se az EurĂłpai UniĂłbĂłl (Brexit) jelentĹ‘s hatással volt kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ iparágakra, köztĂĽk az online szerencsejátĂ©kokra Ă©s kaszinĂłkra. Az EgyesĂĽlt Királyság EU-bĂłl valĂł kilĂ©pĂ©sĂ©vel számos vállalkozás szembesĂĽlt a…