John C. Hulsman
Dr. John C. Hulsman has been for the past fifteen years the President and Managing Partner of John C. Hulsman Enterprises, a prominent global political risk consulting firm. Literally, the sun never sets on John’s political risk analysis: He is Senior Columnist for City AM, the newspaper of the city of London, while also writing regular columns on geopolitics, macroeconomics, and politics for outlets in Riyadh, Washington, Rome, and New Delhi. His most recent work, the best-selling, "To Dare More Boldly: The Audacious Story of Political Risk", was published by Princeton University Press in April 2018. To keep up with John’s other work please go to:
All along, despite never leading in the polls, the capable Trump campaign team clustered around Kellyanne Conway had a theory as to how they were going to prevail in the just-concluded presidential election. Conway believed that Trump’s…
Il metodo dietro la sfida di Trump, e i quesiti per l’Europa
Per tutta la campagna elettorale, pur senza mai essere in vantaggio nei sondaggi, il team di Donald Trump raccolto attorno a Kellyanne Conway ha seguito una teoria su come avrebbe prevalso nel voto che si è appena concluso.
Europe’s hidden barriers to economic excellence
In a sense, every macroeconomic debate I have had about Europe’s endemic malaise over the past 17 years always comes down to this: Given the undoubted quality of the continent’s higher education system (of which I myself am a grateful…
Why the US elections really matter for the Mideast
Before talking about the immediate future of US foreign policy in the Middle East, let us spare a kind thought for the last days of the underrated, if embattled, Obama administration. In his quiet, deliberative, realist manner, the…
Trump versus Clinton: the oddest march to the White House
A particularly low point in French politics was reached in 2002 when the electorate was left to choose its president from the louche, conniving, incumbent Jacques Chirac, and the beyond-the-pale Jean-Marie Le Pen. The French people, without…