
Azzurra Meringolo
Azzurra Meringolo holds a PhD in International Relations, works as journalist at the National Broadcasting Company (Giornale Radio Rai). As contributor to national and international newspapers, she has traveled in the middle east for years. She has been Editor-in-Chief of the IAI's webzine AffarInternazionali and scientific coordinator of the Arab Media Report. She teaches Arab Media at Rome Tre University. Her research interests include the politics of the Arab world with a particular focus on Egypt. Author of "I ragazzi di piazza Tahrir", in 2012 she won the Ivan Bonfanti Journalism Award. Her doctoral thesis on Egyptian anti-Americanism won the Maria Grazia Cutuli Prize. In 2013 she received the Indro Montanelli Journalistic Prize. WIIS (Women in International Security) Italy founder, Azzurra is member of the German Marshall Fund Leadership Council. Her last book is “Il sogno antiamericano. Viaggio nella storia dell’opposizione araba agli Stati Uniti."